'Can you air fry broccoli?' was a question I asked myself recently, when I had a broccoli that needed using up and didn’t want to whizz up a soup with it, as I normally would. I had a Google, found a recipe from someone else’s blog, and thought I’d give it a whirl.
My air fried brocolli disaster...
The recipe stated that you chop up the broccoli into florets, throw a bit of oil over it, then add seasoning or extras like garlic flakes or cheese and then whack it into the air fryer for only five minutes at 200C. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it?
When I did it, it was a bit of a disaster to be honest. After five minutes, it was rock hard at the stems as it was basically still raw. The top of the floret was already getting quite brown (although I’d seasoned mine with pepper and paprika so it could well have been them). So, I popped it back into the air fryer for another five minutes at 200C, until I smelt burning. Upon taking it out, the stems were still pretty hard, and the florets were borderline burnt. All in all, a complete waste of food and time, unfortunately.
After ten minutes, it's looking pretty burnt. |
I did try and leave some space around the florets in the air fryer, but as ours is a really small model, there probably wasn’t quite enough room for all of the air to circulate around the broccoli. If you do attempt this for yourself, it would pay to only use a minimal amount of broccoli (two to four florets at best) or, if you have a much bigger air fryer than ours, then you could probably get away with it.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s something I’ll be trying again. Broccoli is definitely best steamed or put into a lovely homemade soup, in my opinion!
Have you tried air frying broccoli? How did it go for you?
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