For Charlie's birthday, one of his many, many presents (he was utterly spoiled as it was his first!) was an Oggi's Oven Cheese Dog Biscuit kit. Even though his birthday was two months ago, I finally got round to baking them for him. Here's what it was like:
Oggi's Oven Bake At Home Cheese Dog Biscuit Kit
It's really quick and easy to make these dog biscuits. All you have to do is grab a mixing bowl, throw the mixture in, pre-heat your oven, add four tablespoons of water, mix it all into a dough, sprinkle some flour on your worktop, roll it out, use the provided cutter (which is bone-shaped, suitably) and put them on a lightly greased tray for fifteen minutes. Voila. Dog treats that are quite healthy - it says on the box they're only 30 calories each. (But, to be frank, I've no idea how many calories dogs are allowed a day. Not just me, is it?)
When they came out of the oven, I had a very interested cocker hopping about trying to see what I was doing. After they'd cooled, he got to try one.
Bearing in mind, I left them for about 25 minutes as I didn't think they looked golden enough. When I broke one open, it was ever so slightly doughy inside, so I'm not entirely sure they were cooked through enough, despite having nearly double the amount of time in the oven that the instructions state.
Charlie did nibble the ends, of a couple, here and there, but largely left the middles.
These were from Pets at Home and they cost £2.99. Would I buy them again? Charlie seemed interested at first, but he did leave big chunks of them. So, probably not. That's not to say that other dogs might not love them, it's just mine was being (unusually) picky here. However, I did really enjoy making these. They were really quick and easy to make, and they smelt nice whilst baking in the oven.
Have you tried these? What did you think?
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